What is consent under GDPR

What is consent under GDPR

Definition of Personal Data

Definition of Personal Data

Information & Data Protection Policy

Information & Data Protection Policy

Burial Ground Data Protection Policy

Burial Ground Data Protection Policy

Disposal of Information Policy

Disposal of Information Policy

Retention of Documents Policy

Retention of Documents Policy

Management of Transferable Data Policy

Management of Transferable Data Policy

Complaints Procedure Policy

Complaints Procedure Policy

Freedom of Information Act

Freedom of Information Act

Virtual Meeting Policy

Virtual Meeting Policy

Disciplinary and Grievance Policy

Training Statement of Intent

Staff Recruitment and Retention Policy

Time Off In Lieu Policy

Lone Worker Policy

Civility & Respect Pledge

Metal Detecting Policy

Workstation Assessment, Eye Test and Glasses Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

Financial Regulations 2023

CPC Safeguarding Policy for Adults at Risk

CPC Safeguarding Policy for Children

HR Committee Terms of Reference

Asset Register 2024

Standing Orders 2024

Council Risk Assessment 2024

Code of Conduct 2024